Monday, February 20, 2017

Savage Life...or NO life ?

So the new trend is to be a SAVAGE now huh, Rihanna done got everyone thinking not having emotions and being heartless is the "wave". Well guess what? You're truly only hurting yourself and others around you with this ignorant and dumb theory. Suppressing your emotions is not a healthy thing mentally and physically. I'm now becoming comfortable with showing my emotions. Being  a cancer is hard. I am so emotionally inclined/sensitive. I have been made fun of and bashed for being so sensitive and not "having tough skin" or "sucking it up". For 2017 I decided that I WASNT going to apologize anymore. Trying to be hardcore and emotionless about things or towards people that really take up a lot of my emotions wasn't doing me any good at all. As much as I want to be "that person" it's just not in my character and there's nothing wrong with that.

If more people showed how they truely felt about things, relationships, people it could have saved a lot of miscommunication or even relationships. It's nothing like someone being vulnerable and honest during a intense moment in life or between two people. So sad a lot of the generation to come can't relate because so early they are brought up to surpress it. I could get into how the rise of suicide is higher than ever now but I'll keep this light.....

Until next time earthlings 🤔

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