Sunday, September 30, 2012

Him .

I honestly don't know what I did in my past or present to have such a wonderful human being by my side. Nor am I complaining either, he's amazing I tell you. The biggest thing is being able to trust someone 100% no doubts or worries or second thoughts. Nd seeing that I had/have serious trust issues this doesn't even exsist with him. I'm not the easiest person to love but he loves me flaws and all, I can't be more grateful and thankful honestly. ❤️

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Its just something about this blog world that keeps me coming back I swear. Me and my husband (yes I am married now) were discussing blogs and a lightbulb went off in my head! I had the sudden urge to just come back and start fresh. I am N O T making ANY promises this time. Just going with the flow of things. Anyways, ALOT has changed these past couple of years and I couldnt be any happier soooo....Let The Blogging Continue (again) :)